The cement burns are starting to heal (note to self, dont wear shorts and kneepads when screeding) It is time to put together the steel pool wall. A guide rail is first laid at the base and needs to be set at a regular curve at each end,this rail carries the pool wall.The pool wall is very heavy and has to be fed into bottom rail as you go, no mean feat on your own! When your done the support legs can be attached and the plastic top rail fixed in place(this gets removed again later to secure the liner).
Now to the bit that makes the pool,the liner! This is another heavy item that needs a couple of people to stretch the liner over the pool frame,making sure the base seam in the centre of pool!It is secured with lots of spring clips which are slowly released as the liner gets stretched.
The next job will be to secure the liner to the top of pool but this requires a few people to hold the liner whilst the fastening is done. Got to go off to Devon to do a wedding now so thats next weeks job!